7 Clear Signs That He Likes You

7 obvious signs he likes you

It can be hard to find your way through the dark seas of love desire. It can be hard to tell if someone likes you without a decoder ring. There are some warning signs that can help make things easier. Here are seven clear signs that he likes you, broken down point by point.

Sign 1: He starts conversations.

One of the clearest signs that a guy likes you is if he always starts talks. It’s a good sign that he’s interested if he always starts the conversation, whether it’s on the phone, through texts, or in person. He’s eager to stay in touch with you and wants to connect with you.

A guy who likes you will talk to you in a deep way. He will not only talk about the weather, but also about your day, your hobbies, and what you think about different things. He wants to know more about you and cares about what you think.

Sign 2: He keeps the little things in mind

Another clear sign is if he keeps the little things about you in mind. Did you talk about your favourite book or a funny story from your childhood? For him to remember these things, it means he’s paying attention. Paying this much attention is a strong sign of real desire.

Like your birthday or an important event coming up, he’ll also remember those times. This shows that he wants to be a part of your life and cares about it.

Sign 3: He has time for you.

Time is valuable, and how someone spends it can reveal a lot about how they feel. It means he likes you if he makes time for you even though he’s busy. His plans will come first, and he will try to be there.

He will work around your schedule so he can spend time with you, whether it’s just to hang out or for a set date. He really wants to be with you because he made this promise.

Sign 4: He tells you nice things a lot.

Another clear sign is receiving compliments. A good sign that he’s interested is if he thanks you a lot. But praises that are just words are not the same as real ones.

Watch out for how detailed his praises are. He might say more than “You look nice.” For example, “That dress really brings out your eyes” or “I love your laugh, it’s so contagious.” These one-on-one comments show that he sees you and likes you just the way you are.

Sign 5: He gets tense when he’s with you

Concern can sometimes be a sign. You might notice that he moves around a lot when he’s near you. This could be because he likes you and wants to make a good impression.

If he touches his face, plays with his hands, or stumbles over his words, that means he is nervous. These acts may show that he’s under a lot of pressure to impress you.

Sign 6: He touches you physically

Touching someone can say a lot. If he looks for reasons to touch you, like a light tap on the arm or a fun push, it might mean he likes you. Touching someone without meaning to and touching someone on purpose to connect are two different things.

This is where reading body language can help. When he talks to you, does he lean in? Does he move the same way you do? These small signs could mean that he’s trying to close the distance between you.

Sign 7: He gets angry quickly.

Another sign is jealousy that isn’t too strong or controlling. If he gets angry when you talk about or hang out with other guys, it could mean that he likes you more than just a friend.

Notice if his mood changes or he acts protective when other guys are around. These are all small signs that he might be jealous. This could mean that he wants to keep you close by being guarded.


Knowing the signs that someone likes you can help you feel better about yourself and deal with them better. These seven signs—starting talks, remembering details, making time, giving lots of compliments, acting nervous, touching you, and showing jealousy—are all strong signs that he is interested. Do what your gut tells you and enjoy finding out how he feels about you.


How do I know for sure if he likes me?

Even though these signs can help, the only way to be sure is to talk to them in an open and honest way. If you feel safe, ask him straight how he’s feeling.

What if not all of the signs show up?

Not every person will show all of the signs. Some people may be more shy or have unique ways of expressing interest. Instead of expecting every single sign, look at the pattern as a whole.

What should I say if I believe he likes me?

If you think he likes you and you feel the same way, tell him you do. Talk to him, show interest in his life, and do the same things he does. Talking is very important.

Are there differences between signs based on who they are?

Certain traits do matter a lot. Certain people may be more talkative and open, while others may use their actions and small cues to show that they are interested. Think about who he is when you try to figure out what the signs mean.

What if the signs are wrong?

Sometimes it’s okay to be wrong. Misunderstandings do happen. If you’re not sure, it’s best to talk about it to make sure you both understand. Being honest and straight can help keep things clear.

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